Campaign - Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!
In the battle of the beards, Campaign is king. I contacted them about a month ago after hearing their second EP, "It likes to Party", which I liked a whole lot. Lucky for me, they had a new release already recorded and about to be put online for free. I had emailed them at exactly the right time. It was almost like fate, if I believed in that. This is their 3rd EP as they continue to crank out more fun, punchy, friendly hardcore. It sounds like a cross between Lifetime and Hot Water Music. You have to like both of those bands, it's sort of mandatory. Isn't it? From the band! EP number 3! We got tons of other free shit for download at Be sure to also check out our merch store for limited edition pressings. You want us in your town and want to help?