If You Make It


Ramsey Beyer - Kings of the Beach

Summer is a game changer when it comes to music. My normal rotation gets replaced with a playlist consisting solely of pop punk, surf songs, hip hop and radio jammerz. With that said, this comic is referring to the new Wavves album, King of the Beach. On the whole, this record doesn't blow me away or anything, but on a nice summer night with the windows down, headed to the beach with a new friend at 3am, it's just right - especially the song Green Eyes. This comic is actually part of a long series I'm working on about my first year in Philly. I just started posting pages to my website. I'll be posting a few pages a week, every Thursday, over at www.everydaypants.com/year-one. It's a tumblr, so follow along if you feel like it!